How to build a personal brand
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How to build a personal brand

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Any approach requires a head, even making cabbage patties. But only if they do not work, then you can repeat them.

And in the case of building a personal brand of a person such a song will not fly, because to create a different impression, however, as well as change the first, it is not an easy task. So if you shoot, then immediately in the head.

And that’s what I’m here for, because I’ve been down this road more than once. And not to go far for an example, in writing this material I will describe the creation and promotion of your personal brand from scratch, step by step.

We’ll go through all the steps step by step, we’ll take apart the tools and tricks that I used (not all of them, of course).

  1. Positioning .
    Once you understand what you will be selling, you already understand your personal brand positioning.

But it often happens that products don’t save the situation, and you still don’t understand who you are. So the first thing you should do is ask yourself one rather silly question, “Who am I?”

The answer should be constructed either through the prism of “Me, s_____,” or through 3-5 facts about yourself, or through the position of “A friend’s story.” Let’s stop at the latter and break it down in detail.

So, what should I tell my friend who doesn’t know you so that he understands who you are, how you are different and what is the benefit of working with you? It’s complicated. Although you can cheat and say something like “Good specialist. Individually suitable….”.

But I will stop you right there, and tell you that this is WATER. Anyone can say that about themselves. You need to be, if not the only specialist in the world, then at least you should be different from everyone else, in terms of positioning.

The best way to be different is to narrow your field. Although I know a few other options. But in the case of my project, that’s how I went about it.

  1. Packaging
    Remember the phrase – “You look the other way on your clothes, but you look the other way on your…”? Well, now you have just continued it wrong. You meet by the clothes you wear, and by the same clothes you see off. That’s why it’s very important to create an image so that you look effective.

And it’s not just about clothes, it’s much deeper than that. And to understand this, I will show you a few elements as an example.

2.1 The signature gesture.
You can attach the word “branded” to every part of your personal brand package (including your clothes), but I’ll take the example of a gesture and show you how it works.

If you look at my avatar, you can see me holding my hand. Do you think it’s just a gesture? No. It’s a gesture that I have to associate with people. So are the brand words I use in my content.

2.2 Case studies/feedback.
Show me who your friend is and I’ll tell you who you are. Here’s pretty much the same thing, just show me your portfolio or your clients, and I’ll decide whether or not I’ll buy from you.

That is, the cooler your results or the people who have bought from you, the cooler you are. That’s why I suggest that everyone get useful material from me at once and form an independent opinion about me.

2.3 Communication Style
You may notice that here I speak to you, and with a capital T. But in the case of the project in social networks, because it is a completely different audience, I communicate in Y.

This manifests itself not only in letters. But the text itself is sharper, it is on the verge of being as straight and official as possible.

2.4. naming
When creating a personal brand in social networks, you can call yourself by your first and last name. But it’s better to make a memorable, creative name.

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